Welcome to the month long scary event, Season of the Witch and the Witchy Mini-Reading-Challenge. I've got a month long schedule of frightful posts for you, with a few giveaways thrown in here and there. I will be reading and reviewing American Psycho for Banned Books Week this week and for Dueling Monsters and I'll be posting a review of Breed by Chase Novak (a new favorite). As previously mentioned, and in conjunction with the mini-reading-challenge, I'll be reading as many books about/featuring witches as I can. Here's some titles I'll be choosing from (I know I won't read them all):
- A Mirror for Witches by Esther Forbes
- The Heretic's Daughter by Kathleen Kent
- The Last Witchfinder by James K. Morrow
- The Witch's Trinity by Erika Mailman
- The Witching Time by Jean Stubbs
- The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane by Katherine Howe
- Daughters of the Witching Hill by Mary Sharratt
If you haven't signed up for the reading challenge yet, you can still do so HERE.
I'm still looking for people to share a guest post or even a guest review. Just let me know if you'd like to share something scary or witchy this month. You can leave a comment or email me at truebookaddictATgmailDOTcom
For today's kick off, I'm spotlighting Shadow Slayer by Laura A. H. Elliott and she's offering a giveaway. You can visit the post HERE.
Happy Witching!

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