The Arrow Chest by Robert Parry Read-a-Long schedule
- September 1 (or before) - start reading
- Week One reading is Chapter 1 - 6, ending on page 82
- Week One discussion post will go up Friday, September 6
- Week Two reading is Chapter 7 - 12, ending on page 167
- Week Two discussion post will go up Friday, September 13
- Week Three reading is Chapter 13 - 17, ending on page 251
- Week Three discussion post will go up Friday, September 20
- Week Four reading is Chapter 18 - end of book
- Week Four discussion/final thoughts post will go up Monday, September 30
The Arrow Chest is available in paperback or eBook formats on Amazon Kindle for $2.99, Amazon, Amazon UK, Indiebound
Hope you will join me!
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I'm in! I have read the book recently, but I would like to participate. Although my time is limited due to work and studies. What should I do, visit the site next weekend?