As usual, I didn't do as well as expected. I probably watched more movies than I read...and didn't do one single movie review. I know, I suck! Also, did not crack any short stories. =O(
Books I read (click titles for reviews):
Danny Marble and the Application for Non-Scary Things by Jessica McHugh
Dust by Joan Frances Turner
Invisible Sun by S.J. Davis
The Darkness by Crystal Connor
Books I'm still working on:
Under the Dome by Stephen King
The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan
American Horror (anthology edited by Scott Nicholson)
Decayed Etchings by Brandon Ford
Movies (I will include a few words here about what I thought):
In theater:
Don't Be Afraid of the Dark--a pretty good remake of a movie that scared the crap out of me when I was a kid. Still, not quite as chilling although really enjoyed the back story.
Final Destination 5--I'm not too keen on these movies because they make me constantly watchful in real life for final destination moments. LOL! I did like the way they wrapped it up with the other movies, but the deaths were a little more far fetched this time.
Dream House--what a disappointment. This could have been so great, but it really just kind of fell flat.
Contagion--technically not a horror film, but one of the scariest movies I've ever seen! Wash your hands...A LOT...and don't touch your face, for God's sake!
Straw Dogs--a disturbing film with themes of bigotry and sexism and a shocking sequence of events. I thought it was really good. A different role for our Eric Northman!
On cable:
I watched a bunch of old scary movies on TCM on Halloween...not sure of all the titles, but Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee were in the majority of them so you get the gist. These are some of my favorite kinds of horror films...the oldies. =O)
Forget Me Not--creepy movie about...well, I really don't know, but it was definitely creepy.
Dexter (Showtime)--one of the best shows on cable. The serial killer with the heart of gold. LOL
American Horror Story (FX)--excellent new show (IMO)...has some genuinely creepy moments
Survivors of the Dead (AMC)--a new George Romero zombie flick...gotta love zombies!
Zombie Apocalypse (SyFy)--another zombie SyFy original...relatively entertaining
The Walking Dead (AMC)--LOVE. THIS. SHOW. Excellent story lines and zombies. What else could I ask for?
Flight of the Living Dead--(I think that's what it was called) zombies...on a plane! Truly entertaining. =O)
I would like to thank Carl again for once again hosting one of the funnest challenges ever! Looking forward to next year. =O)

It looks like you had a well-rounded experience! I didn't get to any movies, but maybe next year. I've gotten lots of good ideas.