There's a recently released horror movie called "In A Violent Nature" which is a slasher film told mostly from the killer's perspective. I saw it. Didn't love it, but didn't hate it either. If you like a lot of gore and creative dispatches of victims, this would be for you. I, for one, felt it needed a better story.
So if you want a better story told from the killer's perspective, this is the book you should read. Never in the history of my love for horror books and movies have I ever read a premise this creative and just plain interesting. Finally we get the inside workings of what everything a slasher is about, right down to how and why he (she) never seems to be killable. And it's really a juxtaposition between a ruthless killer and a likable teenager. I really can't say more, as I don't want to spoil it. I'll also mention that there are creative killings so for the fans I mentioned up there, you will like this too.
One final note: Amber's beat-up Rabbit truck, with the passenger seat that slid forward on its rails every time she braked. I had a car with a seat like that, except mine was a beat-up 1974 Mustang. My friends loved it. I was a bit older than the book's characters, graduated in 1986, but the 80s nostalgia never truly leaves us.