Sunday, September 8, 2019

Doctor Sleep #Read-Along - Week One #SomethingWickedFall

Okay, so this read-along is going to be hard! I'm going to have to force myself not to read ahead. This is the first SK book in a while that has grabbed me immediately, and really makes me want to keep reading. Granted, I haven't read any of his newer offerings yet, and have yet to read some of his older ones (scandalous, I many books, so little time), but I'm thrilled that I'm enjoying this one so far.

I guess it was inevitable that Danny would inherit his father's alcoholism, though I think he's fighting stronger demons than his father was. I can't imagine someone seeing the things he sees. It was good that he had Dick Halloran around to help him when he was still young, and that Dick's wisdom stays with him, though he doesn't always heed the advice/warnings in his head.

The True Knot are an interesting group, and scary. The woman with the top hat may be beautiful, but she scares me nonetheless. Can't wait to find out what nefarious plans she has for Danny, and others. I saw the new preview for the movie yesterday before IT: Part Two came on (great movie, by the way) and it looks like it's going to be really good. Ewan McGregor...swoon! It gave away some details that I now know are coming in the book, involving a certain someone.

Share your thoughts on this week's section in the comments, or leave a link to a post. We'll be back next week for the next section. If you need the reading schedule, find it here.

Read on for some other business...

We are planning two or three movie watch-alongs during Something Wicked Fall. Someone mentioned watching The Shining for one of them. What do you think? Weigh-in in the comments.

Castle Macabre had another birthday, and I missed it! As of August 15, 2019, we've been on the web for 8 years! In honor of this blogiversary, I created a new blog button. Check it out in the sidebar.

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  1. I was not able to get into Doctor Sleep at all, so I let my copy go back to the library. I have that problem with Stephen King sometimes. On the other hand, I just saw the latest trailer for the movie and it looks so good! I'd be up for a Shining watch-along. ( I think I have a copy...)

    1. Aww, too bad. I hope you will join us for the Shining watch-along. There's a poll for dates/times in case you missed it.

  2. I’m having a hard time not reading ahead, too. This is one of the few recent Stephen King books I’ve gotten into. I’m happy he did this. After reading The Shining years ago, I wondered about Danny. That kind of trauma plus his “gift”. No way was he not going to be fighting demons.
    I’m up for watching The Shining or whatever gets picked. The watch-alongs are so fun! I do have a copy of The Shining ready and waiting.

    1. Yes, it was good to continue Danny's story.

      I think you already saw the poll for the watch-along. Looking forward to it. :)

  3. I didn't even get the book ☹️ I forgot.

    1. We just finished the first week so you can still catch up. Can you get it from the library?

  4. I love this book so far. So many memories are flooding back from the first reading of The Shining. The scene that was all too long and descriptive where Danny was "purging" his drinking binge reminded me of a quote I read along time ago : “I recognize terror as the finest emotion and so I will try to terrorize the reader. But if I find that I cannot terrify, I will try to horrify, and if I find that I cannot horrify, I'll go for the gross-out. I'm not proud. ” Stephen King. Looking forward to the next section!


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