Friday, August 16, 2024

Castle Macabre is 13 today...and update on Something Wicked Fall

I have always been a horror reader, but around the time of this blog's inception, I was reading more historical fiction than anything else. A lot has changed since then and horror has once again become the forefront of my reading passion. Back to my roots, I would say...since horror was the genre I mainly read when I started reading adult fiction as a preteen. I also write horror and I'm currently working on my first horror novel. 

Anyway, A big thank you to everyone who follows/reads the blog, and to those who participate in events and reading challenges. Here's to many more years of horror!

Update on Something Wicked Fall

The votes were counted and our Stephen King read-along winner was Fairy Tale. I'll have the reading schedule for you in the kickoff post on September 1st. Here's the updated event graphic...

Save the date for the FrightFall Readathon in October at Seasons of Reading...

photo Cat.gif

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Save the date...and a poll for our scary fall events

Save the date for our scary fall events. Something Wicked Fall, which runs through September and October, kicks off on September 1st. We will be having another Stephen King read-along and you get to vote for your choice. Just click this link when you're ready to vote: 
Please only vote for one title. Voting is anonymous, but feel free to share what you voted for in the comments below.

I will have the post live with all the info, and the reading schedule for our TBD read-along on the kickoff date. The FrightFall Readathon, hosted over at my readathon blog, Seasons of Reading starts on October 1st. Sign-up for that event will be posted before mid-September on the Seasons of Reading blog.

Check out the preliminary event button for Something Wicked Fall below. I hope you will join us!

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